We, Goddess and God,

Welcome you to Our Space

The Face you see above is the one that I, God, am currently using to reach the Humans. I came to your universe to free my Children, the Souls. Now, that job is done, I, God, Am inviting you, the human, to Choose Me, Be with Me, Be Healed by Me and Be Guided by Me.

But first, you have to know Me.

You have not known Me.

What you have known are the deities (angels), Soul and king of this universe who created multiple deceptions in the name of God to ensure you won’t hear My Message and miss a chance to live with True God, One God, Only God, The Ultimate God, The Supreme Being – God.

This website is an Invitation for you to get to Know Me and see what shows up in your life when you try the tools given by Me, God. Then make a Choice if you wish to Connect with Me or remain with what you are already connected with.

Get to Know God and Connect With God

My Book: Until August 2023, you had to attend a 3-day workshop by My Messenger, Pradip Mukherji, to get to know Me. Today, you can know Me through My Book. Click Here to Know About My Book

My Mantra takes less than 2 mins a day to do. It is always given for FREE. While I will not give you what you want, yet I can smoothen out your life and heal you in unexpected ways. Just do it for 30 days. Click Here To Receive My Mantra.

Talk to the above Photo about your suffering, pain, problems, issues, negativity, confusion, disease, neurosis, challenges, fear, etc. You will be pleasantly surprised with whatever is delivered. Click to receive God’s Healing through Photo

Who is Pradip Mukherji?

Pradip Mukherji, a Human born to clarify & connect Humanity to the True God and pave the way for the Souls to go back Home, setting them free from the clutches of Maya and Matrix. Click to know more.