Solution to Human Suffering

You, the humans, live in a time when I, God, have come to the humans, through two humans who were My Messengers and now I Am absorbed in them. I have nothing to do with your religion or your spirituality, or with the way the world is. I have nothing to do with the human lives the way they are, and neither do I care for the humans to worship Me.

I, God, don’t want your faith, trust, surrender, reverence, submission or devotion.

I, God, don’t want to start a new religion, cult or following.

I, God, do not give you any teachings, or moral code of conduct and or dos and don’ts.

I, God give a simple solution for the human suffering along with talking to the Book or Healing Card –

God’s Mantra – that you need to do for less than 2 minutes each day.

You can take God’s Mantra after talking to the Book or the Healing Card for 30 days about all your pain and suffering, and if you find you have received anything valuable in your life in these days.

If you have chosen God and you are willing to let go of all your religious and spiritual practices 100%, then you can click the link below and register to receive God’s Mantra.

If you take the Mantra before 30 days from the date when you started talking to the Book, or the Healing Card, or if for some reason you cannot let go of your religious and spiritual practices 100%, then you won’t get initiated and you will receive a dead Mantra having no Grace from God. The Mantra will be useless.

You can be an atheist, theist, agnostic or deist, it doesn’t matter because all humans suffer, some in gross ways and others in subtle ways.

How God’s Mantra serves us:

1) To keep our Connection with God alive.

2) To neutralise our karmic baggage.

3) To make our life easy and smooth.

4) To heal our body and mind.

Mantra can be given to others by those who have read the Book, have talked to the Book for 30 days, received something valuable from God that they treasure in their life and have let go of all their religious and spiritual practices 100%.

You can receive My Mantra by filling out the following Registration Form for Indian Mantra or for English Mantra :

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please don’t try to take both Mantras. Then either will not work.

Registration for Indian Mantra

1. Have you talked with God for 30 days?

Yes No

2. Do you value whatever God gave you?

Yes No

3. Have you chosen God?

Yes No

4. Have you disconnected yourself from all your religious and spiritual practices?

Yes No

If all the answers are “Yes” to the above questions, then you can Register. Any untruthful answer will take the Grace of God out of the Mantra.

Click here to register for English Mantra
(Only for non-native Hindi Speakers)

If for any reason you are unable to complete the registration, you can email Alakh God team at

In email please mention the following :

1)  Whether you want the Indian Mantra or English Mantra

2)  Language you want us to speak in: English or Hindi

3)  Your city and country

You will receive information about the upcoming video call and instructions on how to join.