
Order Print Book "Message From God" by Pradip Mukherji

An Alive Book.


About The Book: Message From God

The Book invites the reader to experience the Grace of God over a period of 30 days, with total distrust, disbelief and nonacceptance of everything in the Book, but by only respecting the Book, as guided in the Book.

The Book is a revelation from God to the humans.

The Book reveals:

1) Who the human is!

2) Why there is so much of suffering in the world!

3) Why every method created to end suffering has not helped humanity!

4) How religion and spirituality are both a deception, as much as the material world is and will never free humanity from their suffering!

5) How false gods rule over the humans through religion and spirituality!

6) Who True God is!

7) How choosing True God beyond and without faith, belief, devotion, trust, worshipping, reverence and submission, can serve the human!

Price (Including Shipping):

=> INR 200 per Book (Domestic Shipping within India)

=> INR 4000 for One Book (International Shipping)

=> INR 4100 for Two Books (International Shipping)

Currently availabe in English, Hindi, Telugu, Gujarati and Marathi Languages

It is filled with God’s Grace. The Book listens, answers, heals and brings gentle shifts in the lives of people who even glance at it once. When you read the Book, your connection with God deepens and by using the tools given at the end, you can allow God’s Grace to flow in your life.

Order request for :

English and Hindi Books, both print and ebooks, are updated version, while Gujarati, Marathi and Telugu print Book are the first edition version.

Order request for :

If you are not able to place the order clicking the respective buttons according to your requirement, please email us on: AlakhGod@gmail.com


"परमात्मा का संदेश" किताब के विषय में

यह किताब पाठकों को 30 दिनों की अवधि में पूर्ण अविश्वास, बिना किसी भरोसे के और हर चीज की गैर-स्वीकृति के साथ परमात्मा की कृपा का अनुभव करने के लिए आमंत्रित करती है।

यह किताब स्वयं परमात्मा की ओर से, मानव जाति के लिए एक रहस्य को उजागर करता है।

यह किताब गोपनीय रहस्यों को प्रकट करती है:

1) इंसान कौन है?

2) इस दुनिया में इतना दुख-दर्द क्यों है?

3) क्यों अनेक प्रणाली जिनका सृजन मानव जाति के दुख दर्द को कम करने या मिटाने के लिए हुआ, पूर्ण रूप से मानवता के लिए सहायक नहीं हो रहे हैं?

4) कैसे धर्म और आध्यात्मिकता एक छल है, और किस तरह से पूरी भौतिकवादी दुनिया भी मानव जाति को दर्द से मुक्त होने नहीं देती है?

5) कैसे एक झूठे GOD धर्म और आध्यात्मिकता के माध्यम से पूरी मानव जाति पर शासन कर रहे हैं?

6) सच्चे परमात्मा कौन है?

7) सच्चे परमात्मा आस्था, विश्वास, श्रद्धा भाव, भरोसा, भक्ति , सम्मान और समर्पण से परे हैं और इन सब के बिना मानव कैसे परमात्मा का चयन कर सकते हैं?

Price : INR 200 per Book (Including Domestic Shipping within India)

Currently availabe in English, Hindi, Telugu, Gujarati and Marathi Languages

It is filled with God’s Grace. The Book listens, answers, heals and brings gentle shifts in the lives of people who even glance at it once. When you read the Book, your connection with God deepens and by using the tools given at the end, you can allow God’s Grace to flow in your life.

Order request for :

English and Hindi Books, both print and ebooks, are updated version, while Gujarati, Marathi and Telugu print Book are the first edition version.

If you are not able to place the order clicking the respective buttons according to your requirement, please email us on: AlakhGod@gmail.com


About The Book: Message From God

The Book invites the reader to experience the Grace of God over a period of 30 days, with total distrust, disbelief and nonacceptance of everything in the Book, but by only respecting the Book, as guided in the Book.

Price : INR 200 per Book (Including Domestic Shipping within India)

Currently availabe in English, Hindi,Telugu, Gujarati and Marathi Languages

It is filled with God’s Grace. The Book listens, answers, heals and brings gentle shifts in the lives of people who even glance at it once. When you read the Book, your connection with God deepens and by using the tools given at the end, you can allow God’s Grace to flow in your life.

Order request for :

English and Hindi Books, both print and ebooks, are updated version, while Gujarati, Marathi and Telugu print Book are the first edition version.

If you are not able to place the order clicking the respective buttons according to your requirement, please email us on: AlakhGod@gmail.com


"પરમાત્માનો સંદેશ” પુસ્તક વિશે

આ પુસ્તક વાચકોને ૩૦ દિવસના સમય માટે પરમાત્માનો અહેસાસ કરવા નિમંત્રિત કરે છે અને તે પણ આ પુસ્તકમાં જે પણ છે તે પરત્વે સંપૂર્ણ અવિશ્વાસ, સંદેહ અને અસ્વીકાર સાથે. પરંતુ માત્ર આ પુસ્તકમાં આપેલ માર્ગદર્શન મુજબ આ પુસ્તકનો આદર કરીને.

આ પુસ્તક પરમાત્માનો સ્વયંનો એક ગહન રહસ્ય સ્ફોટ સમગ્ર મનુષ્ય જાતિ અર્થે.

આ પુસ્તક રહસ્યોને પ્રગટ કરે છે :

1) મનુષ્ય કોણ છે?

2) આ વિશ્વમાં આટલી બધી પીડા શા માટે છે?

3) શા માટે દરેક પદ્ધતિઓ જેનું પીડાના અંત માટે સર્જન થયું છે તે મનુષ્ય જાતિને સહાયરૂપ નથી?

4) આ ધર્મ અને અધ્યાત્મિકતા કેવી રીતે છળ છે અને એવી જ રીતે આ ભૌતિક દુનિયા પણ મનુષ્ય જાતિને ક્યારેય આ પીડામાંથી મુક્ત કેમ નથી થવા દેતી?

5) એક ભ્રમિત કરનાર બનાવટી GOD કેવી રીતે ધર્મ અને અધ્યાત્મિકતા દ્વારા મનુષ્ય જાતિ પર શાસન કરે છે?

6) સત્ય પરમાત્મા કોણ છે?

7) સત્ય પરમાત્માનું આસ્થા, માન્યતા, પૂજ્ય ભાવ, વિશ્વાસ, ભક્તિ, આદર અને સમર્પણ વિના અને આ સૌથી પર થઈને કેવી રીતે ચયન કરી શકાય?

Price : INR 200 per Book (Including Domestic Shipping within India)

Currently availabe in English, Hindi, Telugu, Gujarati and Marathi Languages

It is filled with God’s Grace. The Book listens, answers, heals and brings gentle shifts in the lives of people who even glance at it once. When you read the Book, your connection with God deepens and by using the tools given at the end, you can allow God’s Grace to flow in your life.

Order request for :

English and Hindi Books, both print and ebooks, are updated version, while Gujarati, Marathi and Telugu print Book are the first edition version.

If you are not able to place the order clicking the respective buttons according to your requirement, please email us on: AlakhGod@gmail.com


About The Book: Message From God in Marathi

The Book invites the reader to experience the Grace of God over a period of 30 days, with total distrust, disbelief and nonacceptance of everything in the Book, but by only respecting the Book, as guided in the Book.

Price : INR 200 per Book (Including Domestic Shipping within India)

Currently availabe in English, Hindi, Telugu, Gujarati and Marathi Languages

It is filled with God’s Grace. The Book listens, answers, heals and brings gentle shifts in the lives of people who even glance at it once. When you read the Book, your connection with God deepens and by using the tools given at the end, you can allow God’s Grace to flow in your life.

Order request for :

English and Hindi Books, both print and ebooks, are updated version, while Gujarati, Marathi and Telugu print Book are the first edition version.

If you are not able to place the order clicking the respective buttons according to your requirement, please email us on: AlakhGod@gmail.com

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