List of Videos
Part 1 : Message From The Human Who Spoke To God
Part 2: About The King
Part 3: Who Am I?
Part 4: Faith
Part 5: Self Realisation

Part 1: Message From The Human Who Spoke To God

The profound insights shared by Pradip Mukherji in ‘Message From The Human Who Spoke To God.’ Dive into a thought-provoking exploration as Pradip Sir recounts his extraordinary encounter with God.
The viewer can gain unique perspectives on spirituality, existence, and the human condition in this captivating conversation. Join us on a journey of introspection and enlightenment, as Pradip Sir’s revelations inspire contemplation and discussion. Whether you seek spiritual guidance or simply crave intellectual stimulation, this video offers a compelling narrative that challenges perceptions and expands consciousness.
Embrace the opportunity to engage with profound ideas and unlock new dimensions of understanding. Don’t miss out on this enlightening discourse that may forever change the way you perceive the world and your place.
Pradip Sir exposes deceptions of false gods and delivers Connection with the True God.
His only interest in this life is to bring some relief, ease and peace to Humanity.
Knowing the depths of deceptions and truth, Pradip Sir knows what truly serves a human. Being a simple and uncomplicated human, he is sharing simple tools to bring ease and peace to daily living.

Part 2: About The King

In this video Pradip Sir reveals all the secrets of the king of this multiverse and how by going against the Will of God, his Consciousness became Nil and he became only mind.
The king calls himself Parmatma Brahman, Kaal, The Lord, Allah, Ahura Mazda and several other names in the various religions.
Pradip Sir also reveals how important it is to follow the Will of God, how easy it is to Connect with God and be Blessed with ease & peace in our lives by God.

Part 3: Who Am I?

In this video Pradip Sir reveals all the secrets of the king of this multiverse and how by going against the Will of God, his Consciousness became Nil and he became only mind. ‘Who Am I?’, a question that spiritual seekers are often encouraged to ask.
Pradip Sir shares the narrative around ‘Who Am I?’ and the conclusion that Atman is the final truth is flawed. Humanity has been given concepts of turiya, Atman, Brahman, etc. However, each of them are well crafted deceptions that disconnect us from God. If you are on a spiritual journey, we recommend watching this video a few times.

Part 4: Faith

In this video Pradip Sir, shares how faith is given as an illusion to further keep humans in the trap. While the king of the universe and his forces keep creating pain, on the other hand his false messages give empty hopes to the humans in the name of prayers.
Only a few prayers are fulfilled to keep the deception of faith alive. True God needs no faith, surrender, devotion and yet delivers healing that is gentle, quick and unexpected. The Human who brought the Message of God to the Humans.

Part 5: Self Realisation

In this video Pradip Sir explains in a gentle and simple manner what the discovery of ‘who am I’ points to and how it is not true freedom.
When you Choose God you no longer need Self Realization and Spiritual Awakening.
Self Realization or spiritual awakening is the third deception created by the king.
Guru and narrative that one is an unmoving awareness is false.